i would not recommend that. as much as you twist the hair around the straightener, you're gonna get some really weird dents in your hair.How to curl my hair?
i have no idea how to use a STRAIGHTner to curl your hair but a curling iron works great!
hey.I know it says im a dude but im not.Im a chick.A very girly chick too. But to curl your hair with a straightner you have to twist little sections of your hair and with your straightner, straighten the twisted hair.Do it a couple of times then let go. Then you get curly hair! I hope that helps. Im not good at putting things into words.
You take it and put the straightner higher up on your hair then u twist the iron around the rest of your hair and hold it there for a few seconds. Not very long though because you will burn your hair.
You can't use a straightner to curl hair. Go Buy yourself a set of Rollers or ask if you can use your moms.
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