For Christmas I recieved a CHI hair straightner. I obviously kinow how to straighten my hair with it, but I can't seem to figure out how to curl it. Everyonce in a while it works, but not all the time. Any tips????How do u curl ur hair with the CHI??
just flip the bottom part of your hair under with the CHI. I have that same one and I curl my hair with itHow do u curl ur hair with the CHI??
sry, i dont know a damn thing about hair...
start at root of hair pull hair at angle through straightner through hair. good luck
You can only really curl the ends of your hair. Basically when you get the the end of your hair with the straighener, just keep is closed and bend your hair upwards. Hold it for a second and spray a tiny bit with hairspray. I hope that was an okay description.
I recieved a chi for Christmas too. I totally love it but I can't figure out how to curl either. I read that you can curl kind of like how you would curl ribbon with scissors. I've tried it but I can't get it to work either...sorry. Just keep practicing I guess.
I have seen them do it at the salon.
You catch your hair in the iron and twist the hair around the outside of the barrel. Similar to using a curling iron.
Does this make sense? I have tried it on my hair but I don't think it's long enough.
They say you can do it...i've tried it and failed because i always get this kink that i can't get rid of. My stylist also struggles with it. I would suggest giving up because it is waaaay too much work and buy a curling iron. The CHI is too hot to be leaving on your hair that long, plus when it gets really hot it can burn your fingers too!
well go through the hair with the straitner and stop at the end. wen u get there curl like u wood a regular curler. hold it for about 15 secs not too long or it will burn ur hair. then let it go. that shood works for me
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