Monday, August 16, 2010

Flat Iron question - How do I curl my hair with it?

I was used as a demonstration at the mall, she straightened my hair which was great, then she curled my hair with it and it turned out really good, my hair won't hold a curl but it did with the ceramic straightner. I just don't know how to curl it. The iron was expensive so I really want to use it.Flat Iron question - How do I curl my hair with it?
How to Curl Your Hair With a Hair Straightener鈥?/a>

Hair Styles Tips鈥?/a>Flat Iron question - How do I curl my hair with it?
get a small section of hair and put it in between the irons (start at the top) then brnig the iron down ur hair but curl it round at the same time
It is kinda complicated. You dont want to over curl because then your krimping it! Do a like 30 degree's curl and then it should turn out pretty good!! I myself dont suggest using a curling iron though... just buy a curling iron!!! straighteners are used for straightening not curling!
You have to make sure you use one that is designed to straighten and curl. Take a small lock of hair, hold the ends between the iron, and wrap the hair around the whole iron. Hold for a few seconds and let go.
When you get to the end of the strands just roll the flat iron up or under for the desired effect. It does take practice to achieve the look you want.
I used to have this problem! But it just takes time, practice, %26amp; a little hairspray! I've found a video on the internet which helped me a lot, %26amp; I hope it will help you too. :)

As the page is a flash page, click on Trends at the top, then looks, and then click on curls, or any other style you may want to try out! They have written instructions as well as the videos! x x
then go and buy it!
i suggest you use your flat iron to straighten it and get rid of frizz and flyaways so you get to use it, then just use a regular curling iron that way you wont have creases.

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